
I have wonderful news! I have been accepted into Kansai Gaidai. I received my acceptance letter via email last week. Megan has received hers too, but we are still waiting on Blaine's...more on that later.

I was looking through my information, and it seems that Kansai Gaidai picks us up directly from the Kansai International Airport. The pick-up service is ¥2000 and runs from 9am-6pm on the 23rd.

However...my flight doesn't get in until 7pm. What's more, they don't run the service on the next day (Sunday), so I couldn't use the service until Monday - almost 36 hours later. I think it would be fun to make our own way to Kansai Gaidai, and potentially cheaper by about ¥500, with exception to the hotels. However, hotels are a sunk cost, given the circumstances. That expense will happen either way.

Megan and Blaine will arrive about 13 hours later than I! Wow! That means I have to figure out hotel arrangements all on my lonesome the first night. Should be interesting...! Oh my, the possibilities.

I think, if, possible, I'll be booking through Orbitz or something similar on the state-side, so that when I get there all I will have to do is show my papers to get my room.

I still need to get my visa. Waiting on KG for that one too.
